For SEO 10 Deadly Mistakes to Avoid When Doing Link Building

Do you have a website and want to drive lots of high quality organic traffic from search engines like Google, yahoo, If your answer is yes, keep on reading this post. You need to have a website with good search engine rankings for most searched terms in your industry for gaining huge amount of traffic to that website. And link building plays the biggest role when it comes about gaining top rankings for highest competitive keywords in any industry. So in today’s post, I’m going to highlight 10 deadly link building mistakes one should avoid while creating links for their websites and blogs:

1. Going for non-indexed websites in Google

On lots of occasion, people make the mistake of adding links and getting links from websites that have no page indexed in Google. If you blindly keep on getting links from such websites, you may end up adding some bad neighbors on your website. And in that case, you have to face some kind of penalty from Google. So don’t get links from new or old but un-cached websites in Google. And to know the number of pages indexed for a website in Google use:

2. Getting links with nofollow attribute

You will not get the benefit towards achieving high page rank and search engine rankings if the website from which you got link added a nofollow tag with your link details. So make sure you get dofollow links i.e. nofollow tag should not be added with your link detail. How to check if a website has added a nofollow tag with your link detail:
Suppose someone added a link for my blog in the format (will be available when we view source code for that page):
<a href=”” rel=”nofollow”>Earn money online</a>
Click here to know more in details about nofollow tags

3. Getting links from unrelated websites

Sometimes we make the mistake of getting links from unrelated websites or websites no way related to our website niche. In that case, we are just building junk links for our website. So we should avoid just practice and should focus on getting links from the websites or blogs in the same niche or related niches.

4. Links from websites with no backlinks in Google

Another common mistake we make while getting links for our website are we agree to share or exchange links in blogroll, footer or on individual pages with websites with no links at all on Google. You may be creating relationship with some spam or penalized websites in Google in this manner. So don’t go for websites which shows no links when checked on Google with Also make sure you don’t build any form of relationship with websites:
- Having page rank and no backlinks on Google
- Websites with NO Page rank Available i.e. websites that does not have even zero page rank.

5. Using Link exchange websites or programs

We start using some link exchange (reciprocal) websites or programs with an intension to build some quick links for our websites. I would suggest not going for such websites or software’s. You will get a huge list of websites when make search with terms like link exchange or reciprocal links. Some of these websites pretends to be offering their services for free and some even charge for their services. If you have to do link exchange, I would suggest doing it manually.

6. Backlinks with no proper anchor text

Another common sin people make while building links is they get links from quality websites in their niche, but the anchor text used to link to their website is of no use. Links like ‘Click Here’ or ‘More Information’ holds no logical information about the content on a page. So when you get links from a website, don’t forget to include keywords that you want to get high rankings for as part of your anchor text.

7. Links in the Form of Images

On some occasions, we get links for our website in the form of image links or banners. No doubt, banner links may help in bringing more traffic than a text link, but image links hold little value from SEO prospective. And if you must get an image link, don’t forget to get your keyword included as part of ALT text to that image link.

8. Getting links from websites with too many outgoing links

On some occasions, we got invitation where our link will be added on a page having too many links (outgoing links more than 100). So we should aim at getting links from websites having very few out-bound links.

9. Getting links for home page only

It is bad practice to have all links pointing to your website home page. For better search engine rankings and business, I would suggest get links for services based or product based individual pages on your website. Website home page generally keeps an introduction kind of content about the services or products you are offering on your website. But product based pages have lots of content related to the kind of keyword you are targeting and chances of people staying on that page for longer and actually giving some business are quite huge. So instead of targeting all keywords for your website home page, target individual pages and get links for them.

10. Ignoring the importance of internal links

If you check the backlinks of any popular website in your niche, lots of links pointing to this website will be links from its own domain. So these domains are making use of internal linking and anyone can do that. If you have a content rich website where you post content on regular basis, you can get some page rank and traffic to your website if you interlink your website pages properly. Only links to relevant pages. You can think of showing some related articles for each content on your website and link within content even when it makes sense. Show all your website major links or services in the navigation.
Do you take care of any of these mistakes when doing link building for your website and blogs? And if I missed something that was worth mentioning here, please share in the comments section below.

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