Some techniques and tips to increase your Adsense profit & make you rich

hi Friends These are proven techniques for making Google AdSense, which will work on most blogs and websites. There is no secret system, you just have to think smart and put the time and effort into making things happen. Don’t start out on the Google AdSense path and think you are instantly going to be making 1000′s of dollars a week.

It isn’t going to happen. The most important step to making money from Google AdSense is to increase the volume of traffic to your blog or website. Simple ways of doing this is by distributing your articles to ezine lists, article announcement lists, blog carnivals, social bookmarks sites and yahoo groups. For this to work you need to write at least one new article a day, which needs to be of a good quality and interesting.

Create the ad units so that they blend in with your blog. You will need to go into your Google AdSense control panel and enter the hex color codes from your website or blog. Make sure the text color; background color, and link colors all match your blog.

Don’t use borders around the ad unit boxes. Again, you want the boxes to blend, you will have to color code the borders to match the background so that they become invisible.

Find profitable niche markets, it is important not to choose markets where the cost per click is too low to make it worth your while. I suggest that you do some keyword research and find out roughly what the cost per click is in Ad Words. Usually this will be a good indication as to whether this will be successful.

Keywords are of great importance, you have to make sure that your content is not overstuffed with particular keywords to the point of destroying readability and value. What you need to do is master the art of making sure your articles make liberal use of on-topic keywords, which are likely to generate the most relevant ads. Experts maintain that using keywords with your titles and H1 tags is any excellent way to assist in getting the most relevant possible adds.
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