How you and your Business Benefit from Cloud Computing
2:19 AM
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You have probably used cloud computing and probably didn’t even know it mainly becauseyou did not even know what cloud computing is. Quite simple, cloud computing is where the internet (such as Charter internet) is used to provide services that are actually software. Regardless, Cloud computing can help you and your business save benefit substantiallyfrom it.
Services such as Hotmail or even Gmail fall under cloud computing. Including cloudcomputing in a business has allowed companies to access virtual resources that scale with them to deliver real-time solutions. Different and well equipped servers are used to store any applications, data and upgrades that the company uses.
Detailed below are the common benefits that you and your business receive from usingcloud computing:
It saves you Time
Most companies use various programs to manage the needs of their business. This does not save time because you need to spend a lot of time optimizing the programs and get them working right. Cloud computing allows you to avoid all these problems altogether andsaves you time. As all businesses know, when one person saves time, the company saves time – time is money.
There are Less Glitches
Applications that use cloud computing need
fewer versions. Very little upgrades are needed because of its
effectiveness. Additionally, the upgrades are usually managed by the
data centers that house them. Many businesses face problems because
software does not work properly or there are many glitches that need to
be fixed.
The downtime can be problematic especially when the software forms part of the core of thebusiness. Cloud computing lets
more applications be integrated within the same solution, with less
glitches than separate programs. This improves productivity of your employeesand is hence more profitable to the company.
You Become Technologically Advanced
This may seem like a futuristic idea but it is true. Clod computing enables your business to use more power. In most cases, you cannot use this power because normal computers do not possess it. This power is actually virtual processing power.
You can even use virtual assistants (they function exactly like normal assistants) that saveyou money and time. This also saves your business money by reducing employment costs.
You Become Mobilized
One of the biggest advantages of cloud computing is the mobilization it entails. If you were overseas on a business trip, you won’t be able to use the specialized programs they youwould have been able to use in the office. Cloud computing overcomes this problem andallows you to use the internet (such as Charter internet) to access the tools normally found in the office.
Your employees can even access the tools he/she may use in the office at home or on the way to work. This increases productivity and is drastically enhances employee efficiencyand hence benefits your business.
Consumer Trends can be followed
More and more people are using the internet every day. Statistics show that around 69% of Americans use a form of cloud computing. Whether using email, software or storing data,cloud computing allows you to keep up with the latest trends.
Maximum Customization
companies usually buy the latest programs in hopes that sales will
significantly improve. It must be remembered that these are stock
programs that have been tailored to work for every type of company. In
most cases, a personal touch is required.
Cloud computing does just that. You can build interfaces to be more user-friendly andprograms to do exactly what you want them to. This will help your business stand out andwork more effectively. This saves costs in both the short and long run. It also enables youremployees to get more done with very little effort – improved productivity due to customization.
No need to Replace Hardware
Times change and you can require more power to run new software. You may need more space to hold data. Cloud computing reduces the need to upgrade computers. Most of the resources are stored on the server and hence hardware seldom fails and does not need to be replaces as often.
You can look at cloud computing from any angle and you will still see a benefit; for bothyou and your business.
ABOUT AUTHOR: Olivia Kane is associated with Charter internet related companies as their freelance and staff writer. She has been
linked with some of the best web media companies and offers various ways for
internet solutions. She excels in writing articles related to Xfinity internet
deals, Comcast deals, Verizon internet, Xfinity cable etc.
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5 Respones to "How you and your Business Benefit from Cloud Computing"
Thanks you have helped alot in updating my knowledge.
March 22, 2012 at 2:33 PM
Wow thanks so much
March 25, 2012 at 2:07 PM
This notion really helped me a lot especially understanding the risk of this one and how I am able to benefit from this research.
Cloud computing
April 13, 2012 at 11:24 PM
Thanks for your time for this. I really appreciate this.
June 5, 2012 at 11:59 PM
That is really good. Thanks for the post
January 2, 2013 at 10:07 PM
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