10 features everyone need in iPhone 5

10 features everyone wants in iPhone 5

iPhone 5 is the latest phone from Apple and it is going to have some of the must have features included in it. iPhone 5 have come up after some problems that were seen in iPhone 4. There had been many iPhone 5 rumours before its release so let us gain an insight in to some of the expected features in all new release by Apple.

1. Built in IR: One of the main features that is expected to be in this all new iPhone 5 is that it must have a built in IR. This is because all time you do not like the dongle to be attached on phone every time you use it so it is expected to have some rather built in feature that allows you to have it switched on whenever the phone is turned on.
2. Biometric Security: What does this biometric security mean? It simply means that the phone should be able to know and learn your touch and unlock it just by feeling your touch on it. It is hard to type on the number each type you want to unlock your phone. Hence it gives you capability to simply swipe your fingers and get the phone unlocked.
3. HD output: iPhone 5 rumors also say that it is expected to have some kind of HD output. There are 50 % chances that this feature might be included in iPhone 5 as it will ease the users in getting things displayed in easy manner.
4. More memory capacity: This would be surely one of the feature that is having 75 5 chances to be given priority. Many people were disappointed when they saw that iPhone 4 did not supported 64 GB capacity. So now, it is expected that iPhone 5 will have good memory capacity.
5. Good Voice control: Surely, this is also going to one of the feature that is expected to be taken care of in iPhone 5. When the phone is being released so it is expected that there would be enhancement in it in comparison to older versions.
6. Better Home screen: 

one of the most differentiating features that any phone model has with others is their displaying capacity. It is expected that iPhone 5 would be having a better and change in home screen. It is assumed that the home screen would come along with dashboard.
7. Video Chat for 4G network: 

This feature is having good chances to be included.

8. Better camera resolution: 

It is expected that camera is going to be one of the feature that would be taking leap and getting you ahead of older versions.

9. Improvement in 3D graphics: 

It is also an iPhone 5 rumour that there would be many changes in improving the 3D graphics.

10. Good battery life:

  As iPhone 4 too have some issue with battery life, Apple is expected to come up with good and improved battery life to make it much more user-friendly.
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