5 Ways to Monetise Twitter 5 Tips

Many companies use Twitter to blindly promote their products without any real thought or reason as to how to use this valuable social media tool to actually increase sales. We’ve put together five tips to help you make

the most out of Twitter and turn it into a sales and marketing tool.

1. Don’t use Twitter as an advertising platform.

This is something that we see all too often. Companies sign up to Twitter purely to tweet endlessly on how great their company is, what new products they have available, and why you should buy things from them. It doesn’t work – Twitter’s not an advertising platform or billboard.

2. Engage with your followers and other users.

This doesn’t mean you should try to sell to them, either! Help your followers, respond to their enquiries and questions, and use Twitter as a tool to promote yourself indirectly as an industry guru and helpful soul.

3. Run competitions.

Competitions work fantastically on Twitter. You can give away products as a prize in return for asking Twitter users to follow and retweet your competition tweet. This way, the tweet will roll on and on, gaining followers and retweets. Make sure the prize is fairly substantial, though; money-off vouchers just won’t cut it.

4. Include your website link on your Twitter profile.

This might sound incredibly obvious, but you’d be surprised at how many people don’t do this. There’s even a dedicated URL field. It costs you nothing, so put your URL in here and allow your Twitter followers to browse your website and become potential customers. If your tweets are mainly industry-related, you may even find it to be a potentially valuable backlink.

5. Get it on the conversation.

Twitter’s search function is invaluable for finding people who are talking about your products, services or industry. It takes no time or effort to reply to messages or get in on the conversation. Be careful not to come across as a salesperson – be helpful and informative and don’t go out of your way to promote your website or products.

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