Add FaceBook Like Button For Blogger BlogSpot

today i gonna teach you how put like button in your blog  face book surprised us by launching a lot of social plugins, one of them, actually the most popular one yet is the famous like button,
In this tutorial you’ll learn how to add it to your blogger blog.

    Step 1. adding it to your template.
    The button code,

    where to add it ?
    Log into your blogger account, then go to Layout >> Edit Html.
    Before doing any thing you must check Expand Widget Templates box.
    And find the next Code

    <div class='post-header-line-1'/>

    And after it, paste your button code
    What, If you didn’t find the code above in your template, The try to find the following,

    And paste the button code Before it.
    click Save Template and you are done.

    in the above code you can customize 3 parts. and i’ve colored them to make it easy for you to recognize,
    in the above code change the following parts,
    • like this part controls the verb that appear on your button, keep it as you see or change it to recommend if you want.
    • Stay Update 
    • InfO PlaNet

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